| 1. 生物柴油加工厂 |
- 输入植物油处理
- Transesterification
- Demethanolization
- 净化过程
- 中和过程
- 干燥过程
- G-phase 处理法
2. 食物油加工厂 |
- 解除树脂过程
- 漂白过程
- 解酸过程
- 排气味过程
- 包装和商标
3. 蒸馏设备 |
- Methyl esters 蒸馏法
- Glycerol 蒸馏法
- Methanol 精炼过程
4. 从解除脂肪酸中制造生物油 |
- 用 Acid esterification 方法解除脂肪酸
- 蒸馏法
5. 两个榨压阶段 |
- K 300 钻压
- 植物油过滤
- 油籽和油的运输和储存
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6. Recycling of used mineral oils (engine oils, transmission oils, etc.) |
- Our treatment is based on unique distillation technology.
- Final product is base mineral oil suitable for other applications.
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7. Gasification |
Technology lines processing all kinds of waste biomass for combined heat and power (CHP) production. Main product of gasification technology is so-called "SYNGAS" (substitute for natural gas).
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8. Pyrolysis and depolymerization |
Technology lines transforming plastic waste, used tires/oils and all types of waste polymers to liquid alternative fuels which are used for combined heat and power (CHP) production.